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tv   Leo Shane  CSPAN  June 25, 2018 4:00am-4:09am EDT

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here and answering questions. your willingness to appear and answer our questions. i asked that any member who wishes to submit a question for the record do so by friday, june 27. with that, we will get you going so you can meet your schedule. this hearing is adjourned. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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host: the house next week takes up the $675 billion defense department spending bill. leo shane with "military times" what are the main priorities versus the president's request? mr. shane: it's pretty close to the president's request. and looking at the at the same level of military end strength. and same level for the military pay raise, 2.6%. and generally the same level of funding. it's a little bit lower than what the administration asked for. we've gotten a note from mick mulvaney saying he wants to see those accounts fully restored. but it's pretty close. the two places that we have seen the administration send over a note saying they would like it corrected but this bill would purchase two extra literal ships with the administration we spent money offer and the j-star
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program, aircraft surveillance program there, another $600 million. minor things in the larger scope and very much in line with what the administration is looking for. host: reading some of your,military here's what the appropriators want. you quote the chair of the appropriations subcommittee, last year, we took the first big steps to rebuilding the military. this is the second step. what are the proposed improvements in the military we are seeing in the chairwoman's bill? mr. shane: she's talking about this idea of rebuilding the military from trump and the republicans. we're talking about healthy increases, another $16 billion . we are talking about continued end strength growth and so we will see more soldiers and more sailors and airmen in this and seeing more investment in the accounts that started to get thinner.
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this goes to the issue of sequestration and budget caps and how much the defense department has felt restrained and so, we are going to see a big boost in purchases and in things like the f-35 and combat vehicles. and you know, lawmakers are hoping they will get another deal around those spending caps. and continue on this path. host: the lines have been drawn in terms of the provisions in the bill but there are 100 amendments that have been filed in the rules committee and two days for floor debate at least expected next week. what are the issues you are focused on in the next debate? mr. shane: the biggest debate on the house floor is immigration. we've seen quite a few of the amendments are dealing with money being used for national
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guard restrictions on the southern border. money that may be connected to housing migrants on military bases. it's brought up some questions about whether or not jag officers will be assigned to some of these immigration cases. so we'll have to see whether or not those amendments are ruled in order and how much this immigration debate spills over into defense appropriations. also, a couple of other interesting issues like transgender policy. there are a couple of democrats who are pushing for ways to undo the trump administration's new restrictions on transgender individuals joining the military and there is a fight over f-35's to turkey. a lot of concerns about turkey's latest actions in the region. and the u.s. relationship with that country. there will be more attempts to restrict some of those equipment sales to them. host: steny hoyer said he was
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shut out of the immigration, not the debate, but creating the bill. how about on the defense spending bill -- how do democrats in general feel about it? do they get a say? mr. shane: in the appropriations subcommittee, there was not as much consternation. there was some back-and-forth. obviously there were a handful of measures they were hoping to add on. and there were measures in the markup of this. but it hasn't been as polarizing as it's been in years' past. and a large part of that is the fact that the lawmakers have already agreed on the top line defense spending for this year. it was part of the two-year. what we've seen in the past years is a lot of back and forth, how much money will go to defense and nondefense programs? this year, that's sort of settled. across the board, not just on this but on the defense bill, a lot of those debates have been muted. host: where is the senate in the process in the defense spending
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bill? mr. shane: little bit behind but still trying to move their appropriations bill along and we seen a handful of the appropriations bills starting to move over there. we will have a vote early next week on the veterans affairs and military construction bill which incorporates this military spending, too. so you know, the goal of lawmakers is to move these more quickly than they have in the past. typically, this has taken late in the year, sometimes even in this year's case, even into the next calendar year. we hear from a lot of lawmakers that say we think we can get this done before the next election and the next fiscal year. we will see if they can do it this time. host: leo shane, deputy editor of "military times." you can follow his reporting on twitter, as well. thank you for joining us. >> here's a look at the week ahead in congress. the house returns for general speeches legislative business at 2:00.
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most of the weight will be spent on the defensive spending bill for 2019. members are expected to vote on whether to go to conference with the senate to work out differences between the bill authorizing defense policy bills for the next fiscal year. it's also possible the house will bring up a vote on immigration and border security legislation that was debated last night. the house was live on c-span. the senate returns at 3:00 p.m. eastern to resume spending on water projects. the legislative branch, latour construction, and the v.a.. a vote is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. eastern and followed by whether to begin formal debate on the 2019 foreign bill. live coverage from the senate on c-span two. this week, the c-span bus traveled to juneau, alaska as
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part of our 50 capitals to work. -- tour. a continues across alaska by fairy area and -- by ferry. join us joy 21st and 22nd where we feature our visit to alaska., or, listen on the c-span radio app. >> now a look at securing election systems ahead of the midterm elections. state and local officials testified, along with a cyber security advisor with the homeland security department. this hearing is just under two hours.


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